Monday, September 18, 2023

Week 5: Volcanoes

The volcano of Mount Pelee in MartiniqueCurrently, there are no active volcanoes in Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands; the last volcanoes were active approximately 30 million years ago. The nearest volcano to Puerto Rico is Mount Pelée, an active stratovolcano near the northern end of Martinique, an island and French overseas territory in the Caribbean's Lesser Antilles Volcanic Arc. Its volcanic cone comprises stacked layers of ash and lava that have been cemented. 1932 saw its most recent eruption. It is considered the most active volcano in the Caribbean. At least four eruptions have occurred in the prior 250 years, including phreatic eruptions in 1792 and 1851 and, more recently, magmatic eruptions that produced lava domes in 1902–1905, 1929–1932, and elsewhere. Some mitigation efforts for Mount Pelée include creating hazard maps, studying the volcano, and creating a disaster plan in the instance that another catastrophic eruption occurs. When the volcano erupted in 1932, the post-disaster mitigation efforts included: bringing boats to remove survivors, evacuating the nearby towns, providing monetary support for the displaced people, and donations from all around the world.,8%2C300%20meters%20(5.2%20miles).


  1. Hi, I enjoyed learning more about your country and the last volcanoes that were once active 30 years ago. I think it's so awesome how there are no active volcanoes now but there were once some many years ago. Thank you for sharing!

  2. My county is Dominica which seems like a hop, skip, jump away from your county. Amazing your county has no volcanoes' while my county has 9 live volcanos . I find it also interesting how they can tell there was volcanic activity 30 million years ago. Great post. Thank you !

  3. Fortunate for Puerto Rico! There aren't any active volcanoes, but I wonder how the inactive one(s) shaped Puerto Rico's land.

  4. Hi, my country the Bahamas also has no active Volcanoes. I was curious so see if the countries below me had more volcanic activity due to the Caribbean fault but I guess it's still not close enough. Very interesting that there is none.


Final Hazards Report

The main natural hazards of Puerto Rico are earthquakes and hurricanes. Although Puerto Rico has historically had moderate seismicity, the t...